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DYLC Board Members

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Robert Allen

 Co-Founder/President/Boys Program Director


Josh Tepper



Regina Catania



Brittani Allen

Secretary/Social Media Manager/Graphics


Dan Schwab

Logistics Coordinator 



Ben Cohen

Rob Sadoff 

Irene Hoppe

Drew Groner







Deerfield Youth Lacrosse Club


an Illinois non-profit 501[3](c) Organization





Name, Purpose and Objectives


Section 1. Name. The name of this non-profit organization shall be Deerfield Youth Lacrosse Club., hereafter referred to as the “DYLC Board” .


Section 2. Purpose. The purpose of the DYLC Board is to employ the time, talents and resources of our parents, coaches and athletes to develop and improve the infrastructure of the programs within Deerfield Youth Lacrosse Club.


Section 3. Objectives. The objectives of the DYLC Board are: 1) provide financial support for operational and capital expenses through fundraising activities as it relates to supporting the needs of Deerfield Youth Lacrosse Club. 2) provide organizational support to coaches and staff through volunteer efforts. 3) provide financial accountability to its members.







Section 1. Membership. Membership on the DYLC Board is open to all members of the Deerfield Youth Lacrosse community, 18 years of age or older, who will accept and abide by these by-laws and who desire to support the purpose of this organization. 



Section 2.Members Right to Privacy. Any personal information gathered or requested by the DYLC Board is for the sole use of the DYLC and will not be made available to any other organization.





Board of Directors and Officers


Section 1. Officers. The officers shall consist of the President, Secretary and Treasurer.


Section 2. Members at Large. The Board of Directors will include no more than eight (8) members and no less than five (5).


Section 3. General, Annual and Notice of Meetings. The Board will meet from time to time at its own discretion. An annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held in January, May, July and October of each year unless changed by the Board of Directors. Notice of the Annual Meetings shall be given at least fifteen (15) days in advance in a manner determined by the Board.


Section 4. Election. The officers and the at-large members shall be elected by a majority of the voting membership present at a Annual Meeting. All elected officers, at-large and standing committee chairs must be current members of the DYLC Board.


Section 5. Nominations. The President, with concurrence of the Board, shall present a slate of nominees (who have agreed to serve) for positions of officers and at large members with reasonable notice prior to a Annual Meeting. 


Section 6. Vacancy. The President shall appoint any vacancy other than the Presidency. A vacancy in the office of the President shall be filled by a majority vote of the Board at their first meeting after the vacancy occurs.


Section 7. Duties of Officers. The President shall preside over all meetings, appoint standing committee chairpersons with the concurrence of the Board, appoint and/or dissolve all other committees as required, serve as primary spokesperson for the DYLC Board, except as otherwise specified, and direct the DYLC Board goals and budget performance. The Secretary shall keep a record of all DYLC Board meetings. The secretary will also manage the master list of all the volunteers. The Treasurer shall maintain a complete set of books of account in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices. The Treasurer will provide a financial report at all Annual meetings.


Section 8. Duties of At Large Members. At Large Members will be responsible for overseeing activities related the mission of Deerfield Youth Lacrosse Club such as but not limited to fund raising and recruitment.


Section 9 (added 3/2020).   Director Attendance.  All Directors must attend at least 75% of the meetings and events.   If this requirement is not met, the Directors can ask for delinquent Directors immediate resignation.   Should this take place the Directors will refer to Section 8 of this Article for the replacement process.





Standing Committees (added 9/2021)


Section 1.Standing Committees. Standing Committees are those required to function throughout the year. Chairpersons shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Board. Standing Committee Chairpersons shall recruit as many members as necessary to accomplish the responsibility of the Committee. The Chairperson shall also keep a historical file of the year’s proceedings,  vendor contacts, etc., to be turned over to his/her successor. Standing Committees and their primary functions follow.


Section 2.Fundraising Committee. The Fundraising Committee will oversee all current activities and events and recommend new activities and events that might further DYLC mission. The committee will track planned events to avoid scheduling conflicts. The Fundraising Committee shall recruit and schedule parent volunteers to work each specific activity and event. The committee will record all donated time and record all expenses and revenues for each event. They will also be in charge of procuring all provisions required for each event. Events under the committee’s oversight include, but are not limited to, concessions, spirit shops and ticketed events.







Section 1 .Budgets. Annual budgets will be created in January and approved by the board before the Spring Season starts. The Treasurer will be responsible for creating the budget based on prior year activity and expected revenues and expenses known at the time. Budgeted expenses may never exceed budgeted revenues unless a reserve exists in the general fund that would cover the difference. However, a general fund reserve of at least 5% of the previous year’s expenses must be maintained.





Amendment of These By-laws


Section 1.Proposed Amendments. Amendments to the By-laws are to be submitted in writing at a regular Board Meeting prior to a Annual Business Meeting. Notice of the amendments shall be publicized by the web site or e-mail to the membership at least two weeks prior to a Annual Business Meeting.



Board Roles and Duties




*Job Descriptions are meant as a guide to understanding responsibilities and can be altered 




Attend 90% of all DYLC Board meetings

Oversee all aspects of the Club

Conduct all board meetings

Maintain US Lacrosse Insurance


Work with the Secretary and VP on Apparel and Jersey orders


Address complaints regarding coaches, players, or parents


Vice President

Attend 90% of all DYLC Board meetings

Oversee Fundraising Chair


Work with Board President on complaints regarding coaches, players, or parents

Coordinate Sponsors


and send Thank You letters to all Sponsors


Work with the Secretary and President on Apparel and Jersey orders



Attend 90% of all DYLC Board meetings.

Publish agenda before Board meetings.

Take Meeting minutes following the board meeting in which they are approved 

Order criminal background checks on coaching candidates

Assist with Registration

Work with Treasurer on coaching contracts for each season.


Organize Apparel and Jersey orders


Assist with tournament coordination and registration



Attend 90% of all DYLC Board meetings

Manage all Finances (Quick Books)

Help with online registration (credits/refunds).

Pay Bills


Prepare the financial budget 



Boys Program Director


Attend 90% of all DYLC Board meetings


Responsible for the formulation, implementation, and day-to-day administration of all boy's athletic programs of DYLC

Present coaching candidates for the Boys Program and their qualifications to the Board for consideration before the beginning of the regular season (SPRING).

Oversee player and coach development

Ensure DYLC representation at all required league meetings

Address complaints regarding a coach by any player or parent

Evaluate the DYLC Boys coaching staff


Work with the Logistics Coordinator and others to reserve practice and game field


Girls Program Director


Works in partnership with the Girls High School Head Coach

Attend 90% of DYLC Board meetings.

Present coaching candidates for the Girls Program, along with their qualifications, to the Board for consideration before the beginning of the regular season

Coordinates girl's program communication

Evaluate the DYLC Girls coaching staff

Addresses issues or concerns related to coaches, parents, or players.

Work with the Logistics Coordinator and others to reserve practice and game field


Represents the needs of the girl's program to the Board.


Logistics Coordinator

Attend 90% of all DYLC Board meetings

Work with coaches and program directors to coordinate field usage for practices and games.

Scheduling board meeting locations throughout the year.

Contact DHS/ DF Park District with times/dates of games/practices to coordinate field lights, press box, scoreboard, bathrooms with lights on, and open driving gates (Adams Field).

Checking game times continually for reschedules/canceled games to let DHS/DF Park District know of changes.


Equipment Manager

Attend 90% of all DYLC Board meetings

Responsible for managing inventory and ordering items as needed.

Check out balls, medical kits, field gear, and goalie gear out to teams at the beginning of the season.  Collect at end of the season.

Order Balls and other field equipment as necessary. (Approval from treasure and President based off Yearly Budget) 

Coordinate the field prep for games.  Using volunteers - layout grass field, paint lines, and string / mend goals as needed.

At the beginning of the season, facilitate stringing goals nets as needed.


Work with the Logistics Board Person to ensure goals are delivered to the proper locations to support the practices and games.


Fundraising Chair    

Attend 50% of all DYLC Board meetings

Oversee all fundraising events (approximately 4)

Responsible for coordinating and planning up to 4 events that raise money for DYLC throughout the year.

Recruit volunteers for each event, and help with the planning, setup, and tear down of each event. 


Open to bringing new/fresh ideas to the club

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